Monday, November 10, 2008

Comments from last post

I was surprised to see comments on my last post about how bad hussein's campaign screwed up the payment of their workers because I hadn't really advertised the fact that I am cranking this blog up to anyone yet.

I wasn't surprised in the least that the three demotards that commented on my post could only call me names and had absolutely no point to make. As I replied in the comments section there, I have had many conversations with liberals over my 38 years and every single one of them ended with them seeing their "logic" fall apart and then start calling me names.

There is no liberal logic. They all have faith in a very flawed concept and anytime that faith is shown to be misplaced their only recourse is to resort to personal attacks.

The thing is that the voice of truth cannot be silenced. The religion of liberalism is a religion of deceit and calling me a few names isn't going to keep me from pointing that out.

Here are my predictions for the names I will be called:

racist - there is a black president now so shut the h--- up
stupid - that is relative but I am still smarter than every liberal alive (so is my 10 month old puppy)
ignorant - I know enough to know a lie when I hear it
pompous - this one comes out when stupid and ignorant arguments break down
neocon - only a demotard would think this is even an insult, I am proud to be a conservative

I will be surprised if anyone dumb enough to be a liberal is creative enough to come up with anything not on this list (or in one of these categories) but I will love to see them try.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Hussein Obama's lies exposed on day one

Ok so

1 He promised to pay uneducated ingorant (read ghetto) people to go out and canvas for him

2 All of those people show up on pay day expecting to get paid

3 His "organization" is so corrupt and inept that they don't have any idea who actually did what in the canvassing effort

4 His own people are so scared that those ghetto dwellers are going to riot so they have to call the police (don't you just love how the police major quoted down played the situation the police would never have been called unless there was real trouble brewing)

Welcome to obamanation these people just got a great lesson in relying on anyone in the government to give them anything and how well hussein keeps his promises