Obama Obama, the lies of a lieing liar
Obviously from the name of my blog I am well aquainted with the foundational pricinple of liberalism, Lies. So it comes as no surprise to me, or any American with a triple digit IQ, that Hussein Obama is a liar most vile.
What is surprising to me is the same thing that continuously surprises me from the few pathological liars that I have known in my life, they even lie when the truth sounds better.
This is a prime example.
We all know that the soon to be ex Illinois Governor Blagojevich is as crooked as politicians come. And I really believe that Obama is of the very same cloth, how else did he keep from batting an eye at all of the illegal money that was raised for his campaign and/or spent on his behalf. However this specific incident shows just how ridiculous liberals are and how little regard they have for the truth.
If you didn't click on the link, the salient points are: A Chicago paper said on November 5th that hussein was going to meet with blago later that day to discuss the appointment of hussein's replacement as senator. The same paper said on November 8th that the meeting had taken place. However now that blago has been busted for trying to sell that seat, hussein is saying he never ever ever talked to him about it and his pet media outlets are trying to cover his tracks for him so this paper has gone back and changed its stories.
The problem with this is that the outgoing senator should meet with the governor to discuss his next appointment. There is absolutely nothing wrong with hussein meeting with blago to discuss it. There would be no reason to think that when that meeting took place that anything untoward was discussed. However if, as he is now asserting, he never met with the governor and had no intentions of meeting with him on this issue then he is admitting to be fairly negligent in the duties for which the people of the state of Illinios had previously hired him. Nothing too drastic, but it is just more evidence for what an irresponsible, self aggrandizing piece of crap he really it.
So here is the rub, the truth was fine, there was nothing wrong with it. There was no reason to deny the meeting and good reason to admit that it had happened. However blago's arrest was a surprise to hussein's cronies and the very first knee jerk response was to fall back on the liberal creedo "lie until you die". Then they were stuck with covering up the truth even though it sounded better than the lie. And of course their lapdogs in the ministry of truth, err I mean media, have no problem with absolutely shredding any pretense of journalistic integrity and moving us all one step closer to 1984. Thanks O'brien err I mean obama.
Every current or former husband, boyfriend, child, or cop show watcher knows that lieing only makes you look guily so it should only be done when you actually have something to cover up. In this case either hussein is so stupid that he doesn't know this universal fact or he is truly pathological in his inability to be honest or he is actually covering up some very serious wrongdoing. Personally with everything I know of hussein I am leaning toward the last one.
Does anyone know if a president can get impeached before his inauguration?
Labels: blagojevich, hussein, obama
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